Saturday, March 27, 2010

Special Trap

Hewson enjoys creating things with his Legos. He has also started getting games out of the closet and putting all the pieces together to create new things. This picture does not show all he did but can give you an idea.

Teacher for the day

Today for school I let the kids each teach a friend (aka: stuffed animal) something they had been learning. It was a fun way to do a little review.

Rocket Boy and Rocket Girl

I am posting this For Grandma Schulz, so I hope this is not disturbing to anyone else who might be reading. One sunny day last week the kids and I were playing outside. We came in for lunch. The kids were hot so they decided to take their clothes off. While I was making lunch Grandma Schulz called, and the next thing I knew there were two new super heros in the house. Hewson and Cameron stuck footballs in their underwear and called themselves Rocket Boy and Rocket Girl.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sweet Kids

St. Patrick's Day

This year we decided to really celebrate St. Patrick's Day and do it pretty much all week. On Monday Jeremy read to the kids about St. Patrick;s day and how it originated. Then that night we had our friend Kristen over and we made yummy, green cupcakes. On Tuesday we shared the cupcakes with Neighbors and a band that was staying with us. Then on the actual day we made sure to all wear green, and we ate lots of green food. We ate green yogurt, green cherry juice, and for dinner the kids had green pancakes, green grapes, and Cameron brought out the pickles. She said we should have these too because they were green. I think she ate three. We also made Shamrocks. That evening I had some more friends over for dinner. We ate a really yummy salad and Our friend Josh cooked some amazing Chicken with some green in it. (Jeremy is gone this week)

Moby Wrap

My friend, Bekah made herself a moby wrap and then made me one. I love it. It is very comfortable and easy to use. Roland is at the stage where he is awake more and wants to be held more, so this is very helpful. Thanks friend.

Laundry Princess

Laundry is something that seems pretty non-stop in our house. Cameron is a big helper with chores, and she even likes to help fold laundry. She doesn't really know how, so she usually just hands me things or finds all of the socks. On this day she was a princess and she made her home in my laundry.

Lego King

Hewson made al sorts of lego creations all weekend. He asked us to build with him, and whomever came over to build too. If he liked what you built it went on the coffee table. If he did not like it, or it was not cool enough, it went back in the box.

Poopy Afternoon.

Now from the title you might think that the afternoon was all bad, but it was not. I bet many of you can relate to this and it is a little comical. Okay, a lot comical. Last Friday it had been raining the night before so it was wet outside, so Hewson's soccer practice was cancelled. Fridays we have also labeled as Friday fun days. The kids get to play video games and we do not do school, and we try and go somewhere. Well on this Friday the kids had decided that we were going to build lots of lego things, decorate the house with them and call it a lego Christmas. I will post pictures of some lego creations later. Anyway the kids stayed in their PJ's and by the afternoon they wanted to go outside. So we got ready with Jackets, and i put Roland in the BJorn (I let them keep their Pj's on). It took us some time to get all situated. We finally went outside to play frisbee, and Hewson threw it to me, and then I threw it to him, and boom. Smack, I hit him right in the face with the frisbee on my first throw. He lost it and was crying very hysterical (he is a little dramatic). We went back in the house. Jeremy came up from the studio because it sounded like he cut his hand off. Finally when he calmed down and he went back out, I heard crying again. I went out and he said it is raining. We had missed our window. I stood on the porch and said what a poopy afternoon. Then we looked up and there was the most beautiful double rainbow. It was for Hewson. He even told Cameron when I went inside for the camera that he was so glad God finally sent a rainbow again. The rain stopped and we were able to play.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Visiting our house

If you were to visit our house you would often find Cameron dressing up and Hewson in his underwear.

Cameron looks like she was born in the 70's here. We try to keep clothes on Hewson, but it does not always work.

Spring Day

Monday was a beautiful sunny day. We spent most of it outside. I didn't realize how much I missed it. Hewson played with bubbles for hours. Cameron did chalk, played in the dirt, and picked flowers for everyone. Roland enjoyed laying on a blanket in the sun.

4 months old

Roland is 4 months old. It has gone by very fast. He is doing great and we are all enjoying him so much. He is 14.9 lbs. and 25 1/2 in. long.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring Soccer

Soccer has started again. It is not quite spring here, but we did get a little sunshine on Saturday. Hewson is excited to be playing again and that he is the color blue.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Road trip to Arkansas

Jeremy went to New York for a week to record a friend of his, so the kids and I decided to take a road trip to Arkansas to visit my Aunt Jackie and Uncle James. We had so much fun. We were very spoiled and I gained back baby weight I had lost. We went to a Nature center where Hewson got to pretend he was flying a plane, which he loved. We also played games, baked cookies, watched movies, blew bubbles and picked flowers with Uncle James.