Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Summer fun

We have had a great summer with swim lessons, lots of visitors, cook outs, fair, farms and lots of swimming. Grandma is here this week and we are getting ready for school. We are starting next week, but Hewson got a little jump start. Here are some pics from the last month.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

ice cream cone and earaches

Cameron has been asking for this dessert for awhile and I finally had all the ingredients = Rocky Road ice cream, sugar cone, whip cream and a cherry. She was very excited and this was a distraction from her earache. She has had swimmers ear and it was bothering her again, so we went back to the doctors and got some more drops after this picture was taken. Our friend Tavo is also visiting and he let Cameron play his little guitar.

8 months old

Roland is already eight months old. He seems to have become a toddler overnight. He has eight teeth now and just started crawling on all fours. He still scoots some because it is faster for him. He is also pulling himself up and standing. He has also started talking a lot and rocking to music, and he laughs a lot.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Forth of July.

We had friends over for a BBQ and my brother was also here visiting. We had a great time with lots of kids and yummy food. Jess made a delicious apple pie and we all went to see fireworks.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Garden 2010

We tried to be a little more organized in the planting this year, but the cucumber and watermelon are still taking over. Here is are first cucumber, second tomato and we have been getting a lot of beans. Are basil is also doing really well and Jeremy picks this often.

Apple Bread

The kids and I made yummy apple bread. They were a great help. They also helped me eat it. We ate the whole loaf in one day between the three of us except for one small piece.

Jack's B-Day/ Lake trip

We went to the lake for our good buddy Jack's 3rd Birthday. This was our first time to the lake and we all had a blast. The kids could touch for a long time and they loved playing in the sand.

7 months

Roland is 7 months old. He is scooting everywhere, and has a half crawl going on. The kids like to put toys in front of him and make him try and get them. He is sitting up on his own, but still occasionally falls. He has seven teeth, and has enjoyed swimming a lot this summer.

Junie B. Jones

Cousin Kira introduced the kids to the Junie B. Jones chapter books, and we all love reading them. She is a goofy kindergardener and First grader that really makes us laugh. She came to Nashville. Cameron and I went to see her at Barnes and Noble and we had a great time. It was very crowded.

Laundry King and Queen

Well you have met the laundry Princess, now meet the king and Queen. This is how the kids help me with Laundry. They put the clothes on while I try and fold them and make up some game. It is actually helpful because they stay pretty entertained.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

6 months

Roland was actually 6 months in May, but I was a little late posting. It is so fun to watch him play with toys and discover what they all do. He is trying really hard to get around. He rolls and and slides. He is working on two more teeth on top. He still loves to jump and is eating all kinds of baby food.

"I Just want to relax"

Cameron asked to use my bath pillow for her bath. She said she did not want any toys, that she just wanted to relax.

Libby's baby shower

We had brunch and made onesies for Libby. We had a great time. Who knew the shower would go on for seven hours. Some people could not leave, because this was the day of the flood.